Laboratorium Protokolarne


Laboratorium Protokolarne to departament Pionu Przechowalniczego odpowiedzialny za tworzenie, testowanie, przygotowywanie, zamawianie i zatwierdzanie sfinalizowanych protokołów przechowalniczych wykorzystywanych przez Autorytet. Jako departament często uznawany za przodowniczy w Przechowalniczym składa się on ze zróżnicowanej grupy pracowników wszelkich profesji, regionów geograficznych i departamentów. Cały personel przechodzi szereg szkoleń, dzięki czemu jest w stanie kompetentnie wykonywać swoje zadania i dokonywać wkładu w prowadzone w Prolabie projekty. Departament ten często cieszy się dużo większą autonomią funkcjonalną i fiskalną, niż pozostałe, jeśli chodzi o projektowanie środków awaryjnych. Mimo to polega on w dużej mierze na współpracy i komunikacji z pozostałymi departamentami oraz pionami. Tak jak wiele pozostałych komórek organizacyjnych, departament ten dzieli się na kilka sekcji.

Zespoły protokolarne

Mówią, że przez nasze eksperymenty jakaś placówka pewnego dnia wyleci w powietrze. Jeśli o mnie chodzi, czuję się dużo bezpieczniej ze świadomością, że będzie to nasza sprawka, a nie jakiejś anomalii, której nie zdołaliśmy zabezpieczyć.

— anonimowy pracownik zespołu protokolarnego


Prof. Wilson, Kierownik KANR, oraz Pablo, specjalista ds. przechowywania, w trakcie testów głównego urządzenia przechowalniczego dla RPC-███ (nad oczami Pabla).

Przegląd: Zespoły protokolarne to zdecentralizowana, główna siła robocza Prolabu. Zazwyczaj każdy zespół składa się z kilkudziesięciu członków, a na jego czele stoi specjalista ds. przechowywania. Typowo członkami zespołu protokolarnego są inżynierowie, jednostki badawcze oraz podoficerowie. Zwykle zleca się im ustalenie minimalnych wymagań przechowalniczych wystarczających do tego, by skutecznie zabezpieczyć anomalię zgodnie z procedurami Przechowalniczego. Każdego dnia spoczywa na nich obowiązek wykazania się nadzwyczajną starannością i smykałką do innowacji.

Pracownicy, którzy zostają zatrudnieni bezpośrednio przez Laboratorium, stanowią niewielki odsetek kadry. Jej większość to pracownicy przydzieleni z innych Pionów i starannie wyselekcjonowani pod względem ich specjalności. Są to profesorowie, biolodzy morscy, bioinżynierowie, specjaliści ds. żywienia Związku Konsewarcyjnego, urbaniści itd.

A single staff member's tenure within the Department can vary. As Prolab is often a revolving door, staff are either recommended on (mainly) temporary assignment or extended/permanent occupation. Temporary personnel are often designated to serve on a specific number of anomalous projects decided beforehand. Personnel in extended occupation, ala seven months or longer, are to receive mandatory fail-safe training in the event that an anomaly breaches pre-containment.

Staff are also encouraged to take a basic weapons training course offered in partnership with the ASF. For more information, please contact your local File Manager.

Standardy pracy: The momentous trust put into the Prolab and the standards by which it conducts itself are the pride and joy of the Containment Division. However, there are setbacks.

Working at Prolab can be frantic and terrifying; the sooner an unknown gets locked on a box, the lower the chance of bloodshed will be. Keeping to the schedule is everything. The imperative necessity for testing also implies ever-present danger, as anomalies are inherently unpredictable; Who knows if it’ll explode when you haven't touched it.

And as they are unpredictable, every piece of information is invaluable. Personnel responsible for the acquisition of an anomaly must be immediately and extensively questioned and are expected to mention every small detail of their experience for the safety of the team.

Due to the number of anomalies acquired by the Authority in a given year, the process of accommodating Authority facilities is often chaotic. From initial retrieval to finalizing documentation, anywhere from three to fifteen different departments can get involved to contain just an Alpha-White anomaly. It is the job of Units to sift through this discord and get results.

Preparation, testing, conclusions, and review often happen within a manner of a few days for multiple, complex anomalies that have to be accommodated for in the Authority's ever-expanding infrastructure. Standard deadlines on a Beta-Orange anomaly is, on average, three days. All of this culminates in both a lively work environment and a result ensured through whatever means possible.

Working in a Protocol Team is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and is likely the last experience for many personnel. But when Unit personnel figure out why something blows up or are tasked with immobilizing an intangible entity: one less person has to die because of imperfect containment protocols.

Komisja Adaptywnego Nadzoru nad Rejestrem


Personel KANR sprzeczający się w sprawie wydatków Prolabu w Placówce 133, w Kalifornii.

Adaptive Registry Oversight Commission, or KANR, is a loose conglomerate of bureaucrats responsible for coordinating all involved personnel within the Department. Originally a small, administrative team under the Presentium, the Department has since grown to encompass a multitude of functions.

Its main goals are twofold: To handle both logistics of labor and resources so as to not interfere with the work of specialists and to ensure the efficiency of each Protocol Unit.

The KANR remains in constant contact with every Division:

The work of Prolab involves cherry-picking the best and brightest from all departments within the Authority. Representatives often communicate with both the BoA and ASF to request personnel transfers (both temporary and permanent). Budget specialists and auditors are often suggested and transferred from OAS to review the budget of Protocol Proposals, while AET Figure Heads have to coordinate to inherit anomalies once base-protocols are crafted and to file for requests.

To maintain a steadily-growing workforce, KANR Directors are often delegated among the first to receive select applications and liaisons from the Protectorate.

Tasked with maintaining universal guidelines for all regional testing, however, KANR often plays a much more administrative role over the Units. It is the job of the Commission, through the creation of select Approval Committees, to review all Finalized Protocol Proposals established by all Units in an efficient manner. Internal requests, staff complaints, and matters of infighting are also delegated by representatives of the KANR to try to prevent HR involvement and are attempted to be settled proactively through their representatives with other departments.

Efficiency, above all else, is their main function. To prevent casualties; to not provoke internal bickering, it is believed crucial that the KANR take over the administrative work so that they can give its Specialists the breathing room they need to innovate.

Sektory i przestrzeń robocza

Due to the nature of Prolab's work, it's often required to work under extreme circumstances. Heavily armored escorts, working under aliases, rapid mobilization of teams from facility to facility: it's all common procedure to allow Units to work with relative safety and to keep phenomena under Authority control.

The construction of Prolab facilities reflects this mindset; always separate from the rest of a site, "Protocol Wings" are stocked with all kinds of equipment for all kinds of situations — construction teams, soundproof chambers, in-house heavy artillery zeroed-in temporary containment wings, docking stations, one or more panic rooms, expansive hangar areas — but any member of a Protocol Team knows that these are secondary resources. The first and only lifeline and true panic button of Prolab is the radio. No piece of equipment or personnel expertise will ever be useful if it cannot be immediately accessed, and thus ceaseless communication is essential.

The all-purpose nature of Prolab presents another challenge in the absolute minimum amount of specialization. More often than not, Protocol Wings are ill-prepared to safely house newly discovered anomalies, even if their properties are obvious from the get-go. This is mitigated to a degree by the universal Containment Protocol — stay away — but nevertheless forces all personnel to be ever vigilant, even paranoid; anything out of place could represent an all-important warning sign.

And just as personnel should stay away from anomalies, anomalies should stay away from each other. "Cross-testing" is no less than heretical, an invitation to the devil, and accidental cross-contamination is the stuff of nightmares for every member of Prolab — things only madmen from Research Division's AETs would ever willingly cause. Protocol Wings almost never hold two anomalies closer than 500m away unless strictly necessary, and personnel assigned to a project must keep away from everyone else while working. Even after the conclusion of a project, team members are to take utmost care not to expose themselves to other persons for a two-week period: a minimal safety, but one that saves lives nonetheless.

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